Worship Festival

The Magnify Worship festival takes place at GCA and provides 6th-11th graders a chance to enhance their musical skills while learning about why we worship and ultimately focusing on who we worship. Our clinicians and student leaders train students in their main instrument, work on stage presence and speaking up front, and encourage teamwork and leadership skills in a worship band setting. Click here for more information, including a sample schedule.

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Onsite Worship Clinics

Interested in a worship clinic at your school or church? We’ll come to you and provide a weekend intensive training session that will lay the biblical groundwork for your ministry and offer practical techniques to get you started or take your existing ministry to the next level. We’ll meet with you ahead of time to tailor the sessions to your school’s/church’s needs. There is a fee to cover travel and presenter expenses, which we will discuss with you once we know what you are looking for.