I Will Wait

Writers: Allison Hickam, Aiden Gariepy, Emily Self, Alanna Samms, Mark Torsney and Kalie Kelch

Scripture reference: Psalm 27:14; 130:5, 6


Verse 1
I’m waiting impatiently
I’m starting to lose all my hope
I travel through life unseen
A part of me wants to go home
I’m wandering aimlessly
Longing for somewhere to go
The chaos surrounding me
It’s hard not to feel all alone 

My faith is on empty
It’s fragile and weak
I need to hear your voice
I want you to speak to me
All of my burdens are laid at your feet
So here I am 

Chorus 1
I’ll wait, I’ll wait
I’ll wait for your answer oh Lord
I’ll wait, I will wait
I’ll wait for your answer oh Lord

Verse 2
These voices keep taunting me
Telling me I’m not enough
Attacking relentlessly
Hoping that I will give up